

namespace alps
namespace alps::detail
namespace alps::xml
namespace std

namespace alps


public std::string parse_identifier(std::istream & in)reads an XML tag or attribute name from a std::istream
public std::string parse_parameter_name(std::istream & in)reads an ALPS parameter name from a std::istream
public std::string read_until(std::istream & in,char end)reads until the next occurence of the character end or until the end of the stream is reached.
public ALPS_DECL void check_character(std::istream & in,char c,const std::string & err)checks that the next character read from the stream.
public XMLTag parse_tag(std::istream & in,bool skip_comments)parses an XML tag
public std::string parse_content(std::istream & in)reads the contents of an element, until the first < character found
public void skip_element(std::istream & in,const XMLTag & tag)skips an XML element
public void check_tag(std::istream & in,const std::string & name)checks whether the next tag in the XML file has the given name
public std::string convert(const std::string & str)
public inline detail::header_t header(const std::string & enc)
public inline detail::stylesheet_t stylesheet(const std::string & url)
public inline detail::pi_t processing_instruction(const std::string & name)
public inline detail::start_tag_t start_tag(const std::string & name)
public inline detail::end_tag_t end_tag(const std::string & name)
public template<>
inline detail::attribute_t attribute(const std::string & name,const T & value)
public inline detail::attribute_t xml_namespace(const std::string & name,const std::string & url)
public inline oxstream&start_comment(oxstream & oxs)
public inline oxstream&end_comment(oxstream & oxs)
public inline oxstream&start_cdata(oxstream & oxs)
public inline oxstream&end_cdata(oxstream & oxs)
public inline oxstream&no_linebreak(oxstream & oxs)
public template<>
inline std::string precision(const T & d,int n)
public ALPS_DECL std::string xslt_path(const std::string & stylefile)given the name of an XSLT file, return the full path
public ALPS_DECL std::string search_xml_library_path(const std::string & file)returns the full path to the specified XML file and checks whether the file exists.
public ALPS_DECL void copy_stylesheet(boost::filesystem::path const & dir)copies the ALPS.xsl stylesheet to the specifeid directory
class alps::CompositeXMLHandler
class alps::DummyXMLHandler
class alps::oxstream
class alps::PrintXMLHandler
class alps::SimpleXMLHandler
class alps::StylesheetXMLHandler
class alps::VectorXMLHandler
class alps::XMLAttribute
class alps::XMLAttributes
class alps::XMLHandlerBase
class alps::XMLParser
struct alps::XMLTaga struct to store the contents of an XML tag


public std::string parse_identifier(std::istream & in)

reads an XML tag or attribute name from a std::istream

public std::string parse_parameter_name(std::istream & in)

reads an ALPS parameter name from a std::istream

valid characters, in addition to those in an XML identifier are ', and additionally any arbitrary sequence of characters (including whitespace) surrounded by ``[ … \ ] characters, such as in MEASURE[Staggered Magnetization^2] .

public std::string read_until(std::istream & in,char end)

reads until the next occurence of the character end or until the end of the stream is reached.


  • in the stream to be read

  • end the character until which should be read


string containing the characters read, excluding leading and trailing whitespace and excluding the terminating character end.

public ALPS_DECL void check_character(std::istream & in,char c,const std::string & err)

checks that the next character read from the stream.


  • in the stream to be read

  • c the character that should be read

  • err the error message to be used if the next character is not c.


c std::runtime_error( err``) if the next character is not c reads the next character (slipping white space) and checks if it is the same as the character passed as argument c and throws a std::runtime_error otherwise.

public XMLTag parse_tag(std::istream & in,bool skip_comments)

parses an XML tag


  • in the stream to be read

  • skip_comments if true, the function skips any comments or processing instructions while parsing


an [XMLTag](#df/df1/structalps_1_1_x_m_l_tag) structure containing information about the tag

public std::string parse_content(std::istream & in)

reads the contents of an element, until the first < character found

public void skip_element(std::istream & in,const XMLTag & tag)

skips an XML element


  • in the stream to be read

  • tag the opening tag of the element to be skipped the function reads until it finds the closing tag correesponding to the tag passed as argument.

public void check_tag(std::istream & in,const std::string & name)

checks whether the next tag in the XML file has the given name


  • in the stream to be read

  • name the name of the expected tag


c std::runtime_error if the next tag read from the stream in does not have the name given by the argument name.

public std::string convert(const std::string & str)

public inline detail::header_t header(const std::string & enc)

public inline detail::stylesheet_t stylesheet(const std::string & url)

public inline detail::pi_t processing_instruction(const std::string & name)

public inline detail::start_tag_t start_tag(const std::string & name)

public inline detail::end_tag_t end_tag(const std::string & name)

public template<>
inline detail::attribute_t attribute(const std::string & name,const T & value)

public inline detail::attribute_t xml_namespace(const std::string & name,const std::string & url)

public inline oxstream&start_comment(oxstream & oxs)

public inline oxstream&end_comment(oxstream & oxs)

public inline oxstream&start_cdata(oxstream & oxs)

public inline oxstream&end_cdata(oxstream & oxs)

public inline oxstream&no_linebreak(oxstream & oxs)

public template<>
inline std::string precision(const T & d,int n)

public ALPS_DECL std::string xslt_path(const std::string & stylefile)

given the name of an XSLT file, return the full path

The default behavior is to just return the file name

If the environment variable ALPS_XSLT_PATH is set, the contents of ALPS_XSLT_PATH are used instead of the default path.

A special case is if is used as the value of ALPS_XSLT_PATH. In that case not the string returned points to the version of the XSLT file valid at the time of release of the library. E.g. given the file name “ALPS.xsl” the returned string might be “".

public ALPS_DECL std::string search_xml_library_path(const std::string & file)

returns the full path to the specified XML file and checks whether the file exists.

The function prepends the path to the ALPS XML/XSLT library directory to the specified filename.


c std::runtime_error if the file does not exist in the ALPS XML/XSLT library directory.

public ALPS_DECL void copy_stylesheet(boost::filesystem::path const & dir)

copies the ALPS.xsl stylesheet to the specifeid directory

This function copies the ALPS.xsl stylesheet to the specified directory. The function does not overwrite an already existing file with the name ALPS.xsl

class alps::CompositeXMLHandler

class alps::CompositeXMLHandler
  : public alps::XMLHandlerBase


public inline CompositeXMLHandler(const std::string & basename)
public inline virtual ~CompositeXMLHandler()
public inline void clear_handler()
public void add_handler(XMLHandlerBase & handler)
public bool has_handler(const XMLHandlerBase & handler) const
public bool has_handler(const std::string & name) const
public virtual void start_element(const std::string & name,const XMLAttributes & attributes,xml::tag_type type)
public virtual void end_element(const std::string & name,xml::tag_type type)
public virtual void text(const std::string & text)
protected inline virtual void start_top(const std::string &,const XMLAttributes &,xml::tag_type)
protected inline virtual void end_top(const std::string &,xml::tag_type)
protected inline virtual void start_child(const std::string &,const XMLAttributes &,xml::tag_type)
protected inline virtual void end_child(const std::string &,xml::tag_type)
protected inline virtual bool start_element_impl(const std::string &,const XMLAttributes &,xml::tag_type)
protected inline virtual bool end_element_impl(const std::string &,xml::tag_type)
protected inline virtual bool text_impl(const std::string &)


public inline CompositeXMLHandler(const std::string & basename)

public inline virtual ~CompositeXMLHandler()

public inline void clear_handler()

public void add_handler(XMLHandlerBase & handler)

public bool has_handler(const XMLHandlerBase & handler) const

public bool has_handler(const std::string & name) const

public virtual void start_element(const std::string & name,const XMLAttributes & attributes,xml::tag_type type)

public virtual void end_element(const std::string & name,xml::tag_type type)

public virtual void text(const std::string & text)

protected inline virtual void start_top(const std::string &,const XMLAttributes &,xml::tag_type)

protected inline virtual void end_top(const std::string &,xml::tag_type)

protected inline virtual void start_child(const std::string &,const XMLAttributes &,xml::tag_type)

protected inline virtual void end_child(const std::string &,xml::tag_type)

protected inline virtual bool start_element_impl(const std::string &,const XMLAttributes &,xml::tag_type)

protected inline virtual bool end_element_impl(const std::string &,xml::tag_type)

protected inline virtual bool text_impl(const std::string &)

class alps::DummyXMLHandler

class alps::DummyXMLHandler
  : public alps::XMLHandlerBase


public inline DummyXMLHandler(const std::string & basename)
public inline virtual void start_element(const std::string &,const XMLAttributes &,xml::tag_type)
public inline virtual void end_element(const std::string &,xml::tag_type)
public inline virtual void text(const std::string &)


public inline DummyXMLHandler(const std::string & basename)

public inline virtual void start_element(const std::string &,const XMLAttributes &,xml::tag_type)

public inline virtual void end_element(const std::string &,xml::tag_type)

public inline virtual void text(const std::string &)

class alps::oxstream


public oxstream()
public oxstream(std::ostream & os,uint32_t incr)
public oxstream(const boost::filesystem::path & file,uint32_t incr)
public ~oxstream()
public oxstream&operator<<(const detail::header_t & c)
public oxstream&operator<<(const detail::start_tag_t & c)
public oxstream&operator<<(const detail::end_tag_t & c)
public oxstream&operator<<(const detail::stylesheet_t & c)
public oxstream&operator<<(const detail::attribute_t & c)
public oxstream&operator<<(const detail::pi_t & c)
public oxstream&start_comment()
public oxstream&end_comment()
public oxstream&start_cdata()
public oxstream&end_cdata()
public oxstream&no_linebreak()
public inline oxstream&endl()
public oxstream&operator<<(const XMLAttribute & c)
public oxstream&operator<<(const XMLAttributes & c)
public inline oxstream&operator<<(const std::string & t)
public inline oxstream&operator<<(const char t)
public inline oxstream&operator<<(const char * t)
public template<>
inline oxstream&operator<<(const std::complex< T > & t)
public template<>
inline oxstream&operator<<(T(*)(const std::string &) fn)
public inline oxstream&operator<<(oxstream](#df/daf/classalps_1_1oxstream) &(*)([oxstream &oxs) fn)
public inline std::ostream & stream()
protected oxstream&text_str(const std::string & text)
protected void output(bool close)
protected void output_offset()


public oxstream()

public oxstream(std::ostream & os,uint32_t incr)

public oxstream(const boost::filesystem::path & file,uint32_t incr)

public ~oxstream()

public oxstream&operator<<(const detail::header_t & c)

public oxstream&operator<<(const detail::start_tag_t & c)

public oxstream&operator<<(const detail::end_tag_t & c)

public oxstream&operator<<(const detail::stylesheet_t & c)

public oxstream&operator<<(const detail::attribute_t & c)

public oxstream&operator<<(const detail::pi_t & c)

public oxstream&start_comment()

public oxstream&end_comment()

public oxstream&start_cdata()

public oxstream&end_cdata()

public oxstream&no_linebreak()

public inline oxstream&endl()

public oxstream&operator<<(const XMLAttribute & c)

public oxstream&operator<<(const XMLAttributes & c)

public inline oxstream&operator<<(const std::string & t)

public inline oxstream&operator<<(const char t)

public inline oxstream&operator<<(const char * t)

public template<>
inline oxstream&operator<<(const std::complex< T > & t)

public template<>
inline oxstream&operator<<(T(*)(const std::string &) fn)

public inline oxstream&operator<<(oxstream](#df/daf/classalps_1_1oxstream) &(*)([oxstream &oxs) fn)

public inline std::ostream & stream()

protected oxstream&text_str(const std::string & text)

protected void output(bool close)

protected void output_offset()

class alps::PrintXMLHandler

class alps::PrintXMLHandler
  : public alps::XMLHandlerBase


public inline PrintXMLHandler(std::ostream & os)
public inline virtual void start_element(const std::string & name,const XMLAttributes & attributes,xml::tag_type type)
public inline virtual void end_element(const std::string & name,xml::tag_type type)
public inline virtual void text(const std::string & text)


public inline PrintXMLHandler(std::ostream & os)

public inline virtual void start_element(const std::string & name,const XMLAttributes & attributes,xml::tag_type type)

public inline virtual void end_element(const std::string & name,xml::tag_type type)

public inline virtual void text(const std::string & text)

class alps::SimpleXMLHandler

class alps::SimpleXMLHandler
  : public alps::XMLHandlerBase


public inline SimpleXMLHandler(const std::string & basename,T & val,const std::string & attr)
public inline virtual ~SimpleXMLHandler()
public inline virtual void start_element(const std::string & name,const XMLAttributes & attributes,xml::tag_type type)
public inline virtual void end_element(const std::string & name,xml::tag_type type)
public inline virtual void text(const std::string & text)
typedef value_type


public inline SimpleXMLHandler(const std::string & basename,T & val,const std::string & attr)

public inline virtual ~SimpleXMLHandler()

public inline virtual void start_element(const std::string & name,const XMLAttributes & attributes,xml::tag_type type)

public inline virtual void end_element(const std::string & name,xml::tag_type type)

public inline virtual void text(const std::string & text)

typedef value_type

class alps::StylesheetXMLHandler

class alps::StylesheetXMLHandler
  : public alps::XMLHandlerBase


public inline StylesheetXMLHandler(std::string & style)
public inline virtual void start_element(const std::string &,const XMLAttributes & attributes,xml::tag_type type)
public inline virtual void end_element(const std::string &,xml::tag_type)
public inline virtual void text(const std::string &)


public inline StylesheetXMLHandler(std::string & style)

public inline virtual void start_element(const std::string &,const XMLAttributes & attributes,xml::tag_type type)

public inline virtual void end_element(const std::string &,xml::tag_type)

public inline virtual void text(const std::string &)

class alps::VectorXMLHandler

class alps::VectorXMLHandler
  : public alps::CompositeXMLHandler


public inline VectorXMLHandler(const std::string & basename,C & cont,T & val,H & handler)
public inline virtual ~VectorXMLHandler()
protected inline virtual void end_child(const std::string & name,xml::tag_type type)


public inline VectorXMLHandler(const std::string & basename,C & cont,T & val,H & handler)

public inline virtual ~VectorXMLHandler()

protected inline virtual void end_child(const std::string & name,xml::tag_type type)

class alps::XMLAttribute


public inline XMLAttribute(const XMLAttribute & attr)
public inline XMLAttribute(const key_type & k)
public inline XMLAttribute(const key_type & k,const value_type & v)
public inline XMLAttribute(const key_type & k,const char * v)
public template<>
inline XMLAttribute(const key_type & k,const T & v)
public inline key_type & key()
public inline const key_type & key() const
public inline value_type & value()
public inline const value_type & value() const
typedef key_type
typedef value_type


public inline XMLAttribute(const XMLAttribute & attr)

public inline XMLAttribute(const key_type & k)

public inline XMLAttribute(const key_type & k,const value_type & v)

public inline XMLAttribute(const key_type & k,const char * v)

public template<>
inline XMLAttribute(const key_type & k,const T & v)

public inline key_type & key()

public inline const key_type & key() const

public inline value_type & value()

public inline const value_type & value() const

typedef key_type

typedef value_type

class alps::XMLAttributes


public inline XMLAttributes()
public XMLAttributes(const std::string & str)
public inline void clear()
public inline size_type size() const
public inline bool defined(const key_type & k) const
public inline value_type & operator[](const key_type & k)
public inline const value_type & operator[](const key_type & k) const
public inline value_type value_or_default(const key_type & k,const value_type & v) const
public inline iterator begin()
public inline const_iterator begin() const
public inline iterator end()
public inline const_iterator end() const
public void push_back(const XMLAttribute & attr)
public inline void push_back(const key_type & k,const value_type & v)
public inline XMLAttributes&operator<<(const XMLAttribute & a)
public inline XMLAttributes&operator<<(const XMLAttributes & attr)
typedef key_type
typedef value_type
typedef list_type
typedef size_type
typedef iterator
typedef const_iterator


public inline XMLAttributes()

public XMLAttributes(const std::string & str)

public inline void clear()

public inline size_type size() const

public inline bool defined(const key_type & k) const

public inline value_type & operator[](const key_type & k)

public inline const value_type & operator[](const key_type & k) const

public inline value_type value_or_default(const key_type & k,const value_type & v) const

public inline iterator begin()

public inline const_iterator begin() const

public inline iterator end()

public inline const_iterator end() const

public void push_back(const XMLAttribute & attr)

public inline void push_back(const key_type & k,const value_type & v)

public inline XMLAttributes&operator<<(const XMLAttribute & a)

public inline XMLAttributes&operator<<(const XMLAttributes & attr)

typedef key_type

typedef value_type

typedef list_type

typedef size_type

typedef iterator

typedef const_iterator

class alps::XMLHandlerBase


public inline XMLHandlerBase(const std::string & basename)
public inline virtual ~XMLHandlerBase()
public inline void set_basename(const std::string &)
public inline std::string basename() const
public void start_element(const std::string & name,const XMLAttributes & attributes,xml::tag_type type)
public void end_element(const std::string & name,xml::tag_type type)
public void text(const std::string & text)


public inline XMLHandlerBase(const std::string & basename)

public inline virtual ~XMLHandlerBase()

public inline void set_basename(const std::string &)

public inline std::string basename() const

public void start_element(const std::string & name,const XMLAttributes & attributes,xml::tag_type type)

public void end_element(const std::string & name,xml::tag_type type)

public void text(const std::string & text)

class alps::XMLParser


public XMLParser(XMLHandlerBase &)
public ~XMLParser()
public void parse(std::istream & is)
public void parse(const std::string & file)
public void parse(const boost::filesystem::path & file)


public XMLParser(XMLHandlerBase &)

public ~XMLParser()

public void parse(std::istream & is)

public void parse(const std::string & file)

public void parse(const boost::filesystem::path & file)

struct alps::XMLTag

a struct to store the contents of an XML tag


public std::string namethe name of the tag
public XMLAttributes attributesthe attributes
public enum alps::XMLTag type
public inline bool is_comment()returns true if the tag is a comment
public inline bool is_processing()returns true if the tag is a processing instruction
public inline bool is_element()returns true if the tag is an opening or closing tag of an XML element
enum ``


public std::string name

the name of the tag

public XMLAttributes attributes

the attributes

public enum alps::XMLTag type

public inline bool is_comment()

returns true if the tag is a comment

public inline bool is_processing()

returns true if the tag is a processing instruction

public inline bool is_element()

returns true if the tag is an opening or closing tag of an XML element

enum ``


namespace alps::detail


public std::string parse_string(std::istream & in)reads a string, enclosed in double quotes "
public std::string xml_parse_name(std::istream & in)reads any legal XML tag or atrribute name
public void xml_read_attribute(std::istream & in,std::string & name,std::string & value)parses an XML attribute
public std::string xml_read_tag(std::istream & in)parses the opening < and the name of a tag
public void xml_close_tag(std::istream & in)checks for a closing > of a tag
public void xml_close_single_tag(std::istream & in)checks for a closing /> of a tag
public void skip_comment(std::istream & in,bool processing)skips over an XML comment or processing instruction
public inline bool is_identifier_char(char c)
struct alps::detail::attribute_t
struct alps::detail::end_tag_t
struct alps::detail::header_t
struct alps::detail::pi_t
struct alps::detail::start_tag_t
struct alps::detail::stylesheet_t


public std::string parse_string(std::istream & in)

reads a string, enclosed in double quotes "

public std::string xml_parse_name(std::istream & in)

reads any legal XML tag or atrribute name

public void xml_read_attribute(std::istream & in,std::string & name,std::string & value)

parses an XML attribute

public std::string xml_read_tag(std::istream & in)

parses the opening < and the name of a tag

public void xml_close_tag(std::istream & in)

checks for a closing > of a tag

public void xml_close_single_tag(std::istream & in)

checks for a closing /> of a tag

public void skip_comment(std::istream & in,bool processing)

skips over an XML comment or processing instruction

public inline bool is_identifier_char(char c)

struct alps::detail::attribute_t


public XMLAttribute attr
public template<>
inline attribute_t(const std::string & n,const T & v)


public XMLAttribute attr

public template<>
inline attribute_t(const std::string & n,const T & v)

struct alps::detail::end_tag_t


public std::string name
public inline end_tag_t(const std::string & n)


public std::string name

public inline end_tag_t(const std::string & n)

struct alps::detail::header_t


public std::string version
public std::string encoding
public inline header_t(const std::string & enc)


public std::string version

public std::string encoding

public inline header_t(const std::string & enc)

struct alps::detail::pi_t

struct alps::detail::pi_t
  : public alps::detail::start_tag_t


public inline pi_t(const std::string & n)


public inline pi_t(const std::string & n)

struct alps::detail::start_tag_t


public std::string name
public inline start_tag_t(const std::string & n)


public std::string name

public inline start_tag_t(const std::string & n)

struct alps::detail::stylesheet_t


public std::string url
public inline stylesheet_t(const std::string & n)


public std::string url

public inline stylesheet_t(const std::string & n)

namespace alps::xml


enum tag_type


enum tag_type


namespace std


public inline alps::oxstream&endl(alps::oxstream & oxs)


public inline alps::oxstream&endl(alps::oxstream & oxs)

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