Directed Worm Algorithm

Attention: this implementation is an experimental code and should be used only for the Bose Hubbard model without interactions between neighbors. Otherwise the code may crash or yield incorrect results.


Quantum statistical mechanics at finite temperature

At finite temperature $T$, the physics is essentially captured by the partition function $$ Z = \mathrm{Tr} \exp \left(-\beta \hat{H} \right) $$ and physical quantities such as the local density $$ \langle n_i \rangle = \frac{1}{Z} \mathrm{Tr} \hat{n}_i \exp \left(-\beta \hat{H} \right), $$

$$ = \frac{1}{Z} \sum_{\mathcal{C}} n_i (\mathcal{C}) Z(\mathcal{C}) $$ for some configuration $\mathcal{C}$ in the complete configuration space, with inverse temperature $\beta = 1/T$ . Here, the units will be cleverly normalized later on.

Feynmann perturbation in the path-integral representation

Decompose $\hat{H} = \hat{H}_0 - \hat{V}$ , where $\hat{H}_0$ is purely diagonal in the basis of choice, and $\hat{V}$ being off-diagonal.

Feynmann perturbation in the path-integral representation defines the configuration weight:

$$ Z(\mathcal{C}) = e^{-\beta\epsilon_1} \left( e^{-\tau_1 \epsilon_1} V_{i_1i_2} e^{\tau_1 \epsilon_2} \right) \cdots \left( e^{-\tau_m \epsilon_m} V_{i_mi_1} e^{\tau_m \epsilon_1} \right) $$

for configuration

$$ \mathcal{C} = [ m ; i_1 \cdots i_m; \tau_1 \cdots \tau_m, m \in \mathbf{N} ; 0 \lt \tau_1 \lt \cdots \lt \tau_m \lt \beta ] $$


$$ \epsilon_i = \langle i| \hat{H}_0 |i\rangle $$

and $$ V_{ij} = \langle i| \hat{V} |j\rangle. $$

The derivation can be found in chapter 2.1-2.2 of my thesis.

Quantum Monte Carlo (Directed Worm Algorithm)

The Quantum Monte Carlo simulation is in fact a Markov chain random walk in the (worldlines) configuration space, importance sampled by the configuration weight $Z(\mathcal{C})$ which is just a positive number assigned to some particular configuration $\mathcal{C}$ for instance shown here. How $Z(\mathcal{C})$ is being assigned depends on the model Hamiltonian as well as the ergodic algorithm that satisfies detailed balance.

For the directed worm algorithm, the configuration is updated with the worm transversing to and from the extended configuration space to ensure ergodicty. In addition, $n_i(\mathcal{C})$ is the number of particles (or state) at site $i$ with time $0$.

Each configuration update is known as a Monte Carlo sweep.

The complete step-by-step description of the directed worm algorithm can be found in chapter 2.3 of my thesis, and the code implementation in the following.

The dwa code: options

Monte Carlo options

THERMALIZATION0number of Monte Carlo configuration updates (sweeps) needed for thermalization and no measurements are performed in the thermalization stage
SWEEPS1000000total number of Monte Carlo configuration updates (sweeps) after thermalization
SKIP1number of Monte Carlo configuration updates (sweeps) per measurement $t$

ALPS lattice library options

LATTICEwhich lattice do you want?
Llength of lattice

A first quick guide to the ALPS Lattice library can be found here.

Boson Hubbard model options

Attention: this implementation is an experimental code and should be used only for the Bose Hubbard model without interactions between neighbors. Otherwise the code may crash or yield incorrect results.

MODELset as “boson Hubbard”
Nmaxmaximum number of bosons allowed per site
t1.hopping strength $t$
U0.onsite interaction strength $U$
mu0.chemical potential $\mu$

Note: The following definitions for mu are allowed:

  • $\mu=0.5$

  • $\mu=0.5-0.001((x-(L-1)/2.)(x-(L-1)/2.)+(y-(L-1)/2.)(y-(L-1)/2.)+(z-(L-1)/2.)(z-(L-1)/2.))$

Other options

T0.temperature $T$
tof_phase0.time-of-flight phase $\gamma$
MEASUREtrueshall we measure the common observables?
MEASURE[Simulation Speed]trueshall we measure the simulation performance?

More measurement options

OptionDefaultBoolean control
MEASURE[Total Particle Number^2]falsemeasure_number2_
MEASURE[Energy Density^2]falsemeasure_energy_density2_
MEASURE[Local Kink: Number]falsemeasure_local_num_kinks_
MEASURE[Winding Number]falsemeasure_winding_number_
MEASURE[Local Density]falsemeasure_local_density_
MEASURE[Local Density^2]falsemeasure_local_density2_
MEASURE[Green Function]falsemeasure_green_function_

The dwa code: starting the simulation

in command line

An example is found here.

in python

An example is found here.

The dwa code: output

List of measurement observables

When the measurement mode is turned on, the following is a list of common observables available to the user.

ObservableBoolean controlBinning analysisRemark
Total Particle Number$\langle N \rangle$detailedmeasure always
Energy$\langle E \rangle$detailedmeasure always
Energy:Vertex$\langle E_v \rangle$detailedmeasure always
Energy:Onsite$\langle E_o \rangle$detailedmeasure always
Density$\langle n \rangle$detailedmeasure if lattice is homogeneous
Energy Density$\langle \epsilon \rangle$detailedmeasure if lattice is homogeneous
Energy Density:Vertex$\langle E_v \rangle$detailedmeasure if lattice is homogeneous
Energy Density:Onsite$\langle E_o \rangle$detailedmeasure if lattice is homogeneous
Total Particle Number^2$\langle N^2 \rangle$measure_number2_detailed
Energy^2$\langle E^2 \rangle$measure_energy2_detailed
Density^2$\langle N^2 \rangle$measure_density2_detailedmeasure if lattice is homogeneous
Energy Density^2$\langle E^2 \rangle$measure_energy_density2_detailedmeasure if lattice is homogeneous
Winding Number^2$\langle W_{\alpha}^2 \rangle$measure_winding_number_detailedmeasure if lattice is periodic: $\alpha=x,y,z$
Stiffness (superfluid density)$\langle \rho_s \rangle$measure_winding_number_detailedmeasure if lattice is periodic: $\alpha=x,y,z$
Local Kink:Number$\langle n_i^r \rangle$measure_local_num_kinks_simple
Local Density$\langle n_i \rangle$measure_local_density_simple
Local Density^2$\langle n_i^2 \rangle$measure_local_density2_simple
Green Function:0$g_f \left(\alpha=0\right)$detailedmeasure always
Green Function:1$\sum_{i=x,y,z} g_f \left(\alpha_i =1\right)$detailedmeasure always
Green Function$g_f \left(\alpha ; \gamma = 0 \right)$measure_green_function_simple
Green Function:TOF$g_f \left(\alpha \right)$measure_green_function_simplemeasure if tof_phase != 0
Momentum Distribution:0$\langle n_k \left( 0 ; \gamma = 0 \right) \rangle$detailedmeasure if tof_phase == 0
Momentum Distribution:TOF:0$\langle n_k \left( 0 \right) \rangle$detailedmeasure if tof_phase != 0

Evaluating the simulation in Python

An example is found here.

Extracting and visualizing the worldlines configuration in Python

Illustrating from this example, we want to, for instance, extract the worldlines configuration of task 30 after the first run.

import pyalps.dwa;
wl = pyalps.dwa.extract_worldlines('parm1b.task30.out.run1.h5');

We can easily visualise, for instance, the cross-sectional worldlines configuration of this 8x8 lattice at y=4:

pyalps.dwa.show_worldlines(wl, reshape = [8,8], at = '[:,4]'); 

One can easily extract the instantaneous state of the worldlines configuration at time 0 via:

import numpy
states = numpy.array(wl.states());

It is also possible to easily sketch your own (extended) worldlines configuration using Python, but that will not be discussed here. In practice, you can even produce your own movie that illustrates how the worm propagates from one worldlines configuration to another.

Application of dwa: bosons in an optical lattice

The following are documentations regarding bosons in an optical lattice, and how one can easily implement dwa in the research.


  • Ping Nang Ma
  • Matthias Troyer