Run Applications

API Functions
pyalps.writeParameterFile(fname, parms)This function writes a text input file for simple ALPS applications like DMFT
pyalps.writeInputFiles(fname, parms[, baseseed])This function writes the XML input files for ALPS
pyalps.runApplication(appname, parmfiles[, ...])run an ALPS application
pyalps.runDMFT(infiles[, apppath])run the ALPS DMFT application
pyalps.evaluateLoop(infiles[, appname, ...])evaluate results of the looper QMC application
pyalps.evaluateSpinMC(infiles[, appname, ...])evaluate results of the spinmc application
pyalps.evaluateQWL(infiles[, appname, ...])evaluate results of the quantum Wang-Landau application
pyalps.evaluateFulldiagVersusT(infiles[, ...])evaluate results of the fulldiag application as a function of temperature
pyalps.evaluateFulldiagVersusH(infiles[, ...])evaluate results of the fulldiag application as a function of magnetic field h

pyalps.writeParameterFile(fname, parms)source

  • This function writes a text input file for simple ALPS applications like DMFT

  • The arguments are:

    • filename: the name of the parameter file to be written
    • parms: the parameter dict

pyalps.writeInputFiles(fname, parms, baseseed=None)source

  • This function writes the XML input files for ALPS

  • Parameters are:

    • fname: the base file name of the XML files that will be written
    • parms: a list of dicts containing the simulation parameters
    • baseseed: optional parameter giving a random number seed from which seeds for the individual simulations will be calculated. The default value is taken from the current time.
  • The function returns the name of the main XML input file

pyalps.runApplication(appname, parmfiles, T=None, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, writexml=False, MPI=None, mpirun='mpirun')source run an ALPS application

  • This function runs an ALPS application.

  • The parameers are:

    • appname: the name of the application parmfile: the name of the main XML input file writexml: optional parameter, to be set to True if all results should be written to the XML files in addition to the HDF5 files
    • T: time limit of MC simulation
    • Tmin: optional parameter specifying the minimum time between checks whether a MC simulatio is finished
    • Tmax: optional parameter specifying the maximum time between checks whether a MC simulatio is finished
    • MPI: optional parameter specifying the number of processes to be used in an MPI simulation. MPI is not used if this parameter is left at ots default value None.
    • mpirun: optional parameter giving the name of the executable used to laucnh MPI applications. The default is ‘mpirun’

pyalps.runDMFT(infiles, apppath='')source run the ALPS DMFT application

  • The ALPS DMFT application does not (yet) use the standard ALPS input files and scheduler. Thus there is a separate function to call it. This function takes one mandatory parameter: a single input file or a list of input files. Optional parameter apppath allows setting the path to the binary.

pyalps.evaluateLoop(infiles, appname='loop', write_xml=False)source evaluate results of the looper QMC application

  • this function calls the evaluate tool of the looper application. Additionally evaluated results are written back into the files. Besides a list of result files it takes one optional argument:

    • write_xml: if this optional argument is set to True, the results will also bw written to the XML files

pyalps.evaluateSpinMC(infiles, appname='spinmc_evaluate', write_xml=False)source evaluate results of the spinmc application

  • this function calls the evaluate tool of the spinmc application. Additionally evaluated results are written back into the files. Besides a list of result files it takes one optional argument:

    • write_xml: if this optional argument is set to True, the results will also bw written to the XML files

pyalps.evaluateQWL(infiles, appname='qwl_evaluate', DELTA_T=None, T_MIN=None, T_MAX=None)source evaluate results of the quantum Wang-Landau application

  • this function calls the evaluate tool of the quantum Wang-Landau application. Besides a list of result files it takes the following arguments:

    • T_MIN: the lower end of the temperature range for which quantities are evaluated
    • T_MAX: the upper end of the temperature range for which quantities are evaluated
    • DELTA_T: the temperature steps to be used between T_MIN and T_MAX
  • This function returns a list of lists of DataSet objects, for the various properties evaluated for each of the input files.

pyalps.evaluateFulldiagVersusT(infiles, appname='fulldiag_evaluate', DELTA_T=None, T_MIN=None, T_MAX=None, H=None)source evaluate results of the fulldiag application as a function of temperature

  • this function calls the evaluate tool of the fulldiag application and evaluates several quantities as a function of temperature. Besides a list of result files it takes the following arguments:

    • T_MIN: the lower end of the temperature range for which quantities are evaluated
    • T_MAX: the upper end of the temperature range for which quantities are evaluated
    • DELTA_T: the temperature steps to be used between T_MIN and T_MAX
    • H: (optional) the magnetic field at which all data should be evaluated
  • This function returns a list of lists of DataSet objects, for the various properties evaluated for each of the input files.

pyalps.evaluateFulldiagVersusH(infiles, appname='fulldiag_evaluate', DELTA_H=None, H_MIN=None, H_MAX=None, T=None)source evaluate results of the fulldiag application as a function of magnetic field h

  • this function calls the evaluate tool of the fulldiag application and evaluates several quantities as a function of magnetic field. Besides a list of result files it takes the following arguments:

    • H_MIN: the lower end of the field range for which quantities are evaluated
    • H_MAX: the upper end of the temperature range for which quantities are evaluated
    • DELTA_H: the field steps to be used between H_MIN and H_MAX
    • T: the temperature field at which all data should be evaluated
  • This function returns a list of lists of DataSet objects, for the various properties evaluated for each of the input files.