Obtaining ALPS

The simplest way to start using ALPS is to installed prebuild Python package from pypi.org:

$ pip install pyalps

This will install ALPS python package that can be imported in either Python script or Jupyter notebook.

Alternatively you can build ALPS from sources by following the instruction below:

$ git clone https://github.com/alpsim/ALPS alps-src
$ cmake -S alps-src -B alps-build                      \
       -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=</path/to/install/dir>   \
       -DBOOST_TIMER_ENABLE_DEPRECATED                 \
$ cmake --build alps-build -j 8
$ cmake --build alps-build -t test
$ cmake --install alps-build

This will download, build, test and install ALPS into a specified path. For more detailed instruction and troubleshooting please check the installation page