Alpsize-10 Fortran Introduction

Alpsize-10 Fortran Introduction

This is the tutorial of ALPS Fortran. This chapter explains how to use and install the ALPS Fortran. It should be noted that this tutorial assumes the readers have a knowledge of Fortran programming

Operating environment 

ALPS Fortran is a wrapper library to run fortran code on the ALPS system. Therefore, the following environment is necessary to use ALPS Fortran.

ALPSRegarding the operating environment of the ALPS and installation procedure, please click here
CMakeTo compile a client code and ALPS Fortran makes use of CMake. (Cmake Version 2.8.0 and later)
Fortran compiler(Gnu/Intel/Fujitsu)You will need the same compiler used in ALPS. Regarding the compiler installation procedure, please refer to the manual of each compiler.


ALPS Fortran is provided as a patch file, which is available by applying a patch to ALPS system. APLS Fortran patching procedure are as follows.

  1. download patchs

download available following url.

$ cd ~/
$ wget
$ tar –zxvf alps_fortran.tar.gz

doing the above procedure,the following file and directories will be created.

    + alps_fortran.patch
  1. patch apply

moving ALPS source directory(${ALPS_SRC}),apply the patch.

$ cd ${ALPS_SRC}
$ patch –p0 < ~/alps_fortran/alps_fortran.patch
  1. build installation ALPS sysytem

The ALPS Fortran is also installed together when you build ALPS system according to the HP manual.

  • ${ALPS_ROOT}/lib/libalps_fortran.a
  • ${ALPS_ROOT}/include/alps/fortran/alps_fortran.h
  • ${ALPS_ROOT}/include/alps/fortran/fortran_wrapper.h
  • ${ALPS_ROOT}/include/alps/fortran/fwrapper_impl.h
  • ${ALPS_ROOT} shows ALPS install directory

Sample Source Code

The ALPS Fortran contains the following codes as a sample.

“hello” application

  • Calculation is not performed,only to output the contents of the parameter file for standard output.

“ising” application

  • is sample application for ising model calculators.

“looper-2” application

  • is the application sample using external library.

From the next section, you will learn how how to build and run the hello application.You can build and run the same procedure as hello ising, for looper-2 application.

“hello” Application

hello application consists of the following files.

  • hello_impl.f90:main program
  • hello.C:setting entrypoint
  • hello_params:parameter file
  • CMakeLists.txt:configuration file


The compilation procedures are as follows.

  1. Creating the Work Directory for build

Creating the Work Directory for storing the results of “hello” application build.

$ mkdir –p ${HOME}/alps_fortran_build/hello
$ cd ${HOME}/alps_fortran_build/hello
  1. Running cmake

specifying the source code directory and run cmake.(${SAMPLES} is a folder for samples which is generated by ALPS Fortran unpacking )

>       ${SAMPLES}/hello
  1. building “hello” application

doing cmake command makes such as Makefile is nesessary for building ,then run the make.

$ make

After the building,execute file “hello” will be generated in the currenet directory.

thread-level parallelization

The thread-level parallelization procedures are as follows.

  1. moving the work directory

moving to the work directory that you created buildig the “hello” application.

$ cd ${HOME}/alpls_fortran_build/hello

In addition, the application can not run if there is (hello_param.out. *) File execution results in the work directory. If you have such the resulting file, proceed to the next step to remove all.

  1. preparation parameterfiles

to generate XML files from the parameter files in {SAMPLES}/hello

$ cp ${SAMPLES}/hello/hello_params .
$ parameter2xml hello_params

For parameter2xml command, refer to the ALPS HP.

  1. running “hello”

running application as following.

$ ./hello

When you run the hello application, the parameters are defined in the hello_params will be output to standard output. The following is an excerpt execution result.

##### alps_init() #####
parameter X     =    3.2000000000000002
parameter Y     =            0
parameter WORLD = world
defined parameter Z =            1

[2011-May-13 11:45:42]: dispatching a new clone[1,1] on threadgroup[3]

##### alps_init() #####
parameter X     =   -3.1000000000000001
parameter Y     =            6
parameter WORLD = alps
defined parameter Z =            0

[2011-May-13 11:45:42]: dispatching a new clone[2,1] on threadgroup[8]

##### alps_init() #####
parameter X     =   1.00000000000000002E-003
parameter Y     =         -100
parameter WORLD = looper
defined parameter Z =            0

[2011-May-13 11:45:43]: dispatching a new clone[3,1] on threadgroup[7] [2011-May-13 11:45:43]: clone[3,1] finished on threadgroup[7]

##### alps_init() #####
parameter X     =    100.00000000000000
parameter Y     =            2
parameter WORLD = japan
defined parameter Z =            0

[2011-May-13 11:45:43]: dispatching a new clone[4,1] on threadgroup[1] [2011-May-13 11:45:43]: clone[4,1] finished on threadgroup[1]

##### alps_init() #####
parameter X     =    3.0000000000000000
parameter Y     =            0
parameter WORLD = wistaria
defined parameter Z =            0

mpi parallelization

The mpi parallelization procedures are as follows.

  1. moving the work directory

moving to the work directory that you created buildig the “hello” application.

$ cd ${HOME}/alpls_fortran_build/hello

In addition, the application can not run if there is (hello_param.out. *) File execution results in the work directory. If you have such the resulting file, proceed to the next step to remove all.

  1. preparation parameterfiles

to generate XML files from the parameter files in {SAMPLES}/hello

$ cp ${SAMPLES}/hello/hello_params .
$ parameter2xml hello_params
  1. runnig the application

running application as following.

$ mpirun -np 4 -x OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 ./hello --mpi

In the same manner as described above,the parameters are defined in the hello_params will be output to standard output.