Code-02 C++

This tutorial shows how to write a Monte Carlo simulation in C++ using the ALPS alea library for the evaluation of observables. In a second step we will write the measurements into a standard HDF5 file format which allows us to use tools from the ALPS suite for further data analysis and plotting.

As a simple example, we will write a simulation of the classical 2D Ising model with local updates. The file ising-skeleton.cpp contains a skeleton code which already has all the infrastructure we will need: First it includes all needed headers, then it initializes a random number generator and three alps::RealObservable objects. Then it sets up a square lattice of Ising spins. It also provides a table of probabilities that can be used for Metropolis updates. The interface is the same as in the python script you implemented in the previous tutorial.

Your job is again to complete the methods step() and measure(): step() should choose a random spin from the lattice and flip it with the Metropolis probability $p_{accept} = min(1,e^{-\beta \Delta E})$ where $\Delta E$ is the energy change the spin flip would cause. measure() determines the energy and magnetization of a spin configuration and adds this sample to the observable objects.

After replacing all ellipses with code, you can compile the simulation with this Makefile: Save the Makefile to the same directory as the .cpp file, edit the second line to point to your ALPS installation (if you haven’t already set the environment variable ALPS_ROOT) and type make. This will produce an executable ising. Run it and you will see a scan over different values of $\beta = 1/k_B T$.

You can reuse your Binder cumulant python script from the previous tutorial in exactly the same way:

data = pyalps.loadMeasurements(pyalps.getResultFiles(pattern='ising.L*'),['m^2', 'm^4'])

for i in range(len(m2)):
    d = pyalps.DataSet()
    d.props = m2[i].props
    d.x= m2[i].x
    d.y = m4[i].y/m2[i].y/m2[i].y

and plot the Binder cumulant using the commands:

plt.xlabel('Inverse Temperature $\beta$')
plt.ylabel('Binder Cumulant U4 $g$')
plt.title('2D Ising model')