DMFT-03 Interaction
Tutorial 03: Interaction Expansion CT-INT
It is instructive to run the same calculations as in Tutorial 02 with a CT-INT code. This code performs an expansion in the interaction (instead of the hybridization in the case of CT-HYB). The corresponding python scripts are very similar, you can find them in the directory tutorials/dmft-03-interaction. As in the tutorial DMFT-02 you have the choice between a shorter version
producing data for 2 temperature points (running roughly 10 minutes) or a longer version doing all 6 curves
(30 minutes). The evaluation may be exactly as in the tutorial ALPS_2_Tutorials:DMFT-02_Hybridization
done using the
. The vistrails version is Vistrails file.
Tutorial by Emanuel - Please don’t hesitate to ask!
- Emanuel Gull